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Hike of Imatong Mountains

Hike of Imatong Mountains

Imatong Mountains are the second highest mountain ranges in South Sudan, located 5 hours away from Juba City and close to the Ugandan border. The mountain has great scenic views including waterfalls and pure-water streams making it popular among tourists. The best part of this tour is that you get to network with different people from all walks of life as you climb the mountains and even cost-share the resources making it very affordable


6 Days


Guest per Tour: Min of 6 and Max of 12 Age: Adults Tour Location: Imatong Mountain, South Sudan Language: Swahili, Arabic and English

Travel Itinerary

Day 1

Arrive in Juba City.

Arrive in juba in the morning and get dropped at the hotel of your choice. Spend the rest of the afternoon exploring the city before retiring for the night

Day 2

Drive to Katire Town

Wake up early and have breakfast making sure you have packed for the hike. The journey to the foot of the mountain will begin at 10 am. You will have a lunch stopover at Torit at around 1pm before completing the rest of the journey. You will rest in one of the provided hotels for the night

Day 3

Begin Hike of Imatong

The 8 hour hike will start early in the morning right after breakfast. You will be accompanied by experienced tour guides and porters who will handle your luggage. our final stop for the day will be the chief's residence where you will set camp for the night

Day 4

Get to the Peak of the Mountain

Having covered the bigger part of the hike the previous day, the hike to the peak will be shorter. You will depart from the Chief's camp at 3 am after breakfast and ascend to the top for roughly four hours. You will reach the peak just in time for the sunrise which is very breathtaking. After resting for a moment, you will begin the descent to the first camp

Day 5

Drive back to Juba City

After a restful night and hearty breakfast, the journey back to Juba will commence. There will be a stop-over at Torit for lunch before arriving to the hotel later in the day

Day 6

Fly Home

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